unFrequently Asked Questions

Who am I?

A random individual on the Internet obsessed with all things technology. Specifically DevOps, Cloud Native Computing, and Cybersecurity.

What is this site?

A landing page for my various socials, public services and other things. I do all this because I enjoy it.

This website looks cool, how did you make it?

Thanks! It's built with Astro and Svelte. It's actually quite simple. You can find the source code here.

Can you add a new service?

Most of the public services I provide are ephemeral , meaning I don't plan to store their data permanently. I do not have the infrastructure to provide 100% uptime forever, but if you have a service that fits this criteria, feel free to contact me!

How are you hosting all your stuff?

Everything runs on a single server in my home, traffic is proxied by a VPSmostly. I use Docker to containerize all my services.